Is going abroad for cosmetic surgery worth the risk?

Record numbers of British holidaymakers are slipping a surgical appointment card in their suitcases, along with the usual suntan lotion, travel guide and passport.

Whilst it may seem appealing to combine a cosmetic procedure, such as a hair restoration surgery, with the opportunity to rest up and recuperate in beautiful surroundings and a warmer climate, it can lead to many complications and may even prove fatal. The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons has reported a rise in complications after surgery abroad of between 25 to 35%, compared to procedures that took place in the UK.

JUVIDA Clinics, one of the UK’s most advanced hair transplant clinics and ARTAS™ Platinum Practitioner, has seen a growing number of patients looking for corrective treatment following overseas procedures that produced poor results. One of the recurring issues is overharvesting, where too many hairs are removed from the donor area (usually the back and the sides of the head), leading to patchy baldness and grafts that do not grow – and in some cases, lead to infection and permanent scarring.

Result of overharvesting from receiving a hair transplant procedure abroad
The results of overharvesting from receiving a hair transplant procedure abroad. You can clearly see the areas of overharvesting next to normal growth.

Sophie Matthews of JUVIDA Clinics, says: “We’re seeing a marked increase in clients, some of whom have had multiple treatments abroad with poor and unacceptable results, which proves that the cheaper prices and unrealistic claims really shouldn’t be the main factors in choosing where to receive surgical hair restoration treatments.

“Clinics abroad do not always have the strict procedures and inspections that we adhere to in the UK, where all surgeons must be on the GMC Register and abide by strict CQC regulations to protect patients. In many cases, it won’t actually be a doctor carrying out the procedure!

“Our qualified, skilled surgeons and technicians use the latest, state-of-the-art ARTAS iX robotic AI technology to ensure that hairs are extracted in a specific pattern, which doesn’t leave noticeable gaps on the donor area. Long-term post-procedure aftercare is also crucial, which of course is not really an option with surgery abroad”.

The true cost of cosmetic tourism is something that Scott Franks knows all too well. He is the partner of Leah Cambridge, who died in August 2018 from complications after having gluteoplasty – also known as the ‘Brazilian butt lift’ – in Turkey. Despite his loss, he decided to go ahead with hair restoration surgery, but was adamant that he would receive his procedure in the UK.

Scott said: “I decided to take the plunge and go to JUVIDA Clinics after seeing the amazing results they’d achieved for their previous clients on social media, and also the glowing feedback they’d received was very reassuring. I’d urge anyone considering hair transplant surgery abroad to reconsider – It’s simply not worth the risk, and I’m sure you won’t get the level of aftercare and support I received by staying in the UK”.

Here at JUVIDA Clinics, we offer FREE consultations for hair loss treatments!

A consultation is an essential first step on your path to restored confidence. This gives you a chance to be fully informed before making a decision, and allows you to ask any questions you may have. We understand how momentous a choice this is, and how anxious you may be about the procedure itself. You will also be get the chance to discuss your hair transplant cost.

Hair loss affects everyone experiencing it. For many males and females alike, discussing hair loss requires sensitivity and compassion. As a team, we work with patients of all ages with various conditions. We make every stage of your treatment as easy as possible.

It’s really easy to plan your path to restored confidence – simply fill out our online form or call us on 01756 456016 for more information and to book a FREE consultation.

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